Steam System Products

Building and maintaining high performance steam systems
Keeping up with your steam needs isn’t always a walk in the park, regardless of your industry or building type. On occasion, you may need extra power to ramp up production. Other times, you’re trying to find ways to remain cost-effective with your operational activities while simultaneously trying to squeeze the most out of your boiler system.
Thanks in part to our comprehensive steam solutions, our experts can assist you in upgrading or installing your steam boiler, boiler room equipment, steam traps and auxiliary steam equipment.
With Prime, it’s now possible to avoid reoccurring issues and get the peace of mind you’ve been striving for.
Building and maintaining high performance steam systems
At Prime, we carry the RIFOX; a highly reliable, German-engineered, install-it-and-forget it, steam trap. This modulating, float-controlled steam trap senses the density difference between steam and condensate. Increasing condensate levels open the outlet while decreasing condensate levels close it using a modulating rotary slide valve mechanism. Its unique design eliminates common steam trap performance issues. It is not affected by pressure fluctuations and can handle surge loads of condensate, eliminating the likelihood of water hammer. Dirt particles are automatically discharged preventing leakage and plugging.

Steam Traps
Get direct control of your boiler system’s flow rate for pressure, temperature and even liquid levels. Regulated using a controller, a control valve is made to manage your boiler’s fluid flow by varying the size (opening and closing) of the passage.

Control Valves
Extend your boiler’s life while keeping your maintenance costs low! A deaerator is designed to remove oxygen and other dissolved gases from boiler feedwater as it passes from the feed water tank. The mechanical device helps prevent corrosion and equipment failure, and, ultimately, increases system efficiency.

Never too much and always available when you need it. When demand for steam is greater than the boiler’s ability to supply it, an accumulator is used to release it. Conversely, it’s also designed to accept steam when demand is low.

Keep things cool! We’ve selected the top-of-the line blowdown tanks and blowdown separators that ensure your blowdown is at the safest temperature level before you’re able to dispose it.

Blowdown Tanks
Feedwater tanks are heated storage tanks that do not have a specific deaerating section and operate at atmospheric pressure levels. In addition to being a feedwater reservoir, these tanks also act as condensate receivers, cold-water makeup locations and as a point for chemical injection.

Feedwater Tanks
Avoid poor steam quality; get steam purity with a high-quality clean steam filter from Prime. These special filters made for industrial boilers are designed to eliminate moisture and contaminants, including rust, from the steam supply. This ensures energy production efficiency and proper sterilization of your boiler system.

Clean Steam Filters
Remaining compliant with industry standards is a priority at Prime. That’s why we provide our commercial, industrial and institutional clients with steam boiler vessels that are certified by the American Society of Mechanical Engineering. The ASME is the gold standard when it comes to manufactured pressure-containing boiler components.

ASME Certified Vessels
Prevent steam equipment failures thanks to regular water treatment: the ideal solution to enhance your steam system’s performance and maintain cost efficiency.

Water Treatment Chemicals